How to Have a Relationship with God

July 3, 2020

Love Overflows

The more you love God, the easier it is to love others with the overflow of the heart. I can return love—even to others who have hurt me—because I know He loves me. Others might hurt me, but God’s opinion is so much higher on my list that it does not matter so much anymore what others may do...
July 2, 2020

The Encouragement You Need

What a genius and yet powerful King we have an opportunity to serve! He opens my eyes daily to new information from His Word or from life that confirms that He is the source of everything...
June 30, 2020

A Heart for God

I have not set an alarm clock in many years. God wakes me up every day just at the right time. With gentle creativity, He chooses a variety of waking methods, so my first thought is God and thanking Him for waking me—and the earlier the better for me. I love getting up in the night and working for Him or having Him teach me something new...
June 20, 2020

Turning from Idols

Anyone who has ever spoken on behalf of God turns people from idols. That is the purpose of The Tablet. True religion necessitates that we turn heart, soul, mind, and strength away from Egypt, idols, and the love of the world...