How to Lose Weight

September 26, 2020

True Freedom

Just as the Israelites were set free from Egypt, you have just been set free to love God instead of the refrigerator or pantry...
September 25, 2020

The Time is Now

You did it before, you can do it again…and you did it by focusing only on God’s hunger and fullness—no distractions. It is time for self-denial. Finally, you have come to the right place because you cannot do this just for your own health and high energy—that is selfish—it must be done for the glory of the Lord...
September 24, 2020

Direction from Within

Now you know there is no more white-knuckling it—but rather direction from within. Thru prayer and reaching out in surrender, you will finally connect that if you eat one more bite, you are going to be in pain. Now, stopping when you are full is more obtainable because of the fear of the pain of the past..
September 23, 2020

The Pain of the Past

Now that we have started on the path of remembering our journey, recall how exhausting being out of the Zone of hunger and fullness is. Are you sick of being tired after lunch or after dinner? I am sure you do not want to be tired anymore; you do not want pain anymore...the backache, the joint aches, headaches, heartburn, your feet hurt, knees, hips, heart fluttering, indigestion problems, loss of sleep… just overall exhaustion...
September 22, 2020

The Path to Success

How do you return to that Zone you experienced in the first two weeks of WeighDown? What was going on then? You focused all day only on God with no gimmicks. The gimmicks that you might have picked up after Week Three of your original class that then diverted your all-essential focus...
September 20, 2020

The Battle of the Ages

Spiritual warfare is real. It is indeed the Battle of the Ages—the Ancient War of God versus satan. You are a part of the war whether you know it or not. Your role is very important, and it is the real purpose of your life and existence. You are a prize to be won...