Gwen Shamblin

May 24, 2020

How to Start Over with New Hope!

Remember, you are not a failure. You have not overcome overeating because you have applied the wrong medicine to this condition. It is time to start over with new hope. You can change your heart’s focus. And do not be afraid, because you should only fear missing the guiding hand of God for what He wants...
May 23, 2020

How to Be Healed from Eating Disorders

You can be completely set free from eating disorders. Let us not Band-Aid the symptom, though; let us go straight to the root. The WeighDown approach to eating is absolutely the answer to it all...
May 22, 2020

How to Stop Bingeing/Purging

Many years of dieting can breed the “starve-binge-purge” cycle. The purge is an attempt to eliminate from your system the calories that you took in from the binge or food that you have been led to believe is “bad for you” or “too high in fat.”...
May 21, 2020

Freedom from Eating Disorders

The way to end the entire nightmare cycle of eating disorders is to get to the root problem—you have a desire to go against the will of God and it must stop. The way to end this is to transfer your passion for food—or in anorexia, for too thin of a body—to passion for God...
May 20, 2020

Weigh Down and Eating Disorders

Weigh Down has helped many anorexics and bulimics to let go of control and become at peace with their bodies. The anorexic person who responds to physical hunger as taught through WeighDown will gain the appropriate weight their body needs for good health...
May 19, 2020

Exercise and Weight Loss

Exercise will not increase the speed of your weight loss, because, when using hunger and fullness, the body already knows how much energy you spent and it will ask for more food...