Gwen Lara

April 14, 2020

Food is Not Your Friend

Food is not a good source of entertainment or a good escape from your problems or a good thing to fill up time—it is not a good thing to use to escape the fear of being bored, nor a good friend to take the place of relationships...
April 13, 2020

You Fall in Love with What You Focus on

There is a truth that is profound that God gave me early in this ministry, over 30 years ago. This one truth can set you free from all vices… You fall in love with what you focus on..
April 9, 2020

Reversing Your Focus

The transfer is everything. This old relationship with food or idols is over, and a new relationship with God will take its place. Food was the impetus to get out of bed in the past, and then it was your morning, noon, and night. Yet, it is a false god...
April 8, 2020

A Harvest of Righteousness

God uses this behavior modification to get us to choose right living. But we are such babies and easily discouraged with discipline instead of correctly interpreting His punishment as love...