Gwen Lara

October 9, 2019

It Takes Love

Love gives more than anything on Earth. Someone who responds to hate with love, with the virtues of gentleness and quietness, is the prodigy...
October 8, 2019

How to Enhance Your Life Today

We must follow God’s lead of tenderness each day, starting with those closest to us. Have you been purposefully kindhearted today with your children...
October 7, 2019

The Super Community of Love

To have this picture of Heaven on Earth, it is going to take everyone choosing to go ALL IN and getting rid of every offensive vice so that God can reside in the heart on Earth as He does in Heaven—so that a light can be left for our children and our children’s children...
October 3, 2019

Your Situation is Not Hopeless

Another thing that could make you feel hopeless is counselors informing you that you have come from a “dysfunctional family.” Well, who has not come from a dysfunctional family!? Look at the first family unit: Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel...
October 1, 2019

Never Alone Again

Imagine when you have a test. Let’s say it is dying to the praise of men tonight or to pride or lust. Let’s say it is dying to eating food tonight or being submissive to your husband tonight or loving someone hard to love. Whatever you struggle with, bring it to mind now. Imagine having to die—giving up your will, your body, your soul, your dreams, whatever it is—in this test. You have always been alone. You try to do this alone...
September 28, 2019

True Repentance

To repent means you have stopped the past action. This is not about saying you are sorry that you messed up. This is about saying “goodbye” to behaviors of the past...