
January 28, 2020

Greater Love Has No One…

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Who would have thought that this Omnipresent, Omni-powerful God is Love and all He ever wanted…is Love?! Who would have thought that our interactions with mankind could be condensed to Love?
October 4, 2019

All of Creation Speaks of God

All of creation speaks volumes about God and what He wants. You can also find what God wants by watching people live out the Word of God. Yes, one of the best ways to visualize this relationship with God is to spend a day in the life of someone Spirit-led and fully devoted to God alone...
October 2, 2019

If You Truly Love, It is Natural

How much trouble is it to refrain from running to another idol if you are so in love with God? These are easy commandments from this wonderful God. We should praise Him that salvation (being able to enter His presence) is not performance-based...
October 1, 2019

Never Alone Again

Imagine when you have a test. Let’s say it is dying to the praise of men tonight or to pride or lust. Let’s say it is dying to eating food tonight or being submissive to your husband tonight or loving someone hard to love. Whatever you struggle with, bring it to mind now. Imagine having to die—giving up your will, your body, your soul, your dreams, whatever it is—in this test. You have always been alone. You try to do this alone...
September 30, 2019

The Opportunity of God’s Will

For most, obedience conjures up the concept of “obligation.” But for me, obedience conjures up the concept of “opportunity.” This opportunity of conformity to God’s Divine Will purifies us...
September 2, 2019

Our Most Important Pursuit

Can you tell me what else matters than pursuing this relationship with God, because the world is all fading. It is all passing away.  When it is gone—and it will be destroyed —what will you have left? There is faith and there is hope, but the greatest of these is this investment into a love relationship...