Weigh Down

October 15, 2019

How to Stop Smoking

Smoking and tobacco use are a worldwide concern where 1 in 10 adults are smokers. In the United States, the number of smokers is about double, at one in five. According to statistics, every fifth person has an “addiction” to a tobacco product, including cigarettes, pipes, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and snuff...
October 14, 2019

How to be Free from Any Overindulgence/Addiction

Thousands of people have used the principles taught through WeighDown to be permanently set free from any dependency, including cigarettes, alcohol, antidepressants, diet pills, sexual lusts, or other worldly desires...
October 13, 2019

A Future of Hope and Love

This planting of pure love has just begun. God is taking a piece of Himself—His Spirit—and building a Super Community consisting of charity as we have tasted, but know that what the future holds will be far beyond our imaginings and more formidable than any nation known to man because it is the most prevailing substance to found an institution on, the most powerful substance on Earth...
October 12, 2019

A Life of Love

It is all about who you love, and with the Spirit of God in our hearts, this creates a Community of stress-free peace. It is a Church built on the Rock of Jesus Christ who said, “the world must know that I love the Father and I do exactly as he commands me”...
October 11, 2019

An Acts 2 Church

The building of the True Church and care for this Kingdom on Earth results in a Community that is phenomenal. It is the picture of Acts 2 and the early Christians...