Gwen Lara

July 14, 2020

Run to God for Comfort

Running to God for comfort and solutions makes sense. Do you need a counselor? He knows all truth, and His Word is a light unto your path. Do you need a friend? He is the God of all comfort...
July 13, 2020

Excessive Food is a False Friend

Does overeating help our finances? No, it robs us. It is expensive to keep eating extra calories every day. Diet programs have emptied our savings accounts as well. Does it help us with our clothing? No, we tend to find less and less to wear...
July 12, 2020

How to Tell What You Really Worship

I used to sit in church as a child on Sunday evenings and watch people listlessly drag themselves through the motions of their worship. These are the same people who will apply blue and white paint on their faces to root for their favorite college teams. If you have passion for God, it grows with the years...
July 8, 2020

Put on the New Life

Put on the new life, be born again, and be a new creation by putting the Thin Eater behaviors and mindset into practice. Live like Jesus Christ in all humility and willingness to suffer to complete the will of the Father. Christ did not complain, he simply lived to please the Father, whatever it took...
July 7, 2020

How to Tell if Something is an Idol

There is only one way to find out if something is an idol in your life: let it be taken away. Then, if you really mourn for it, you know that your heart has been given over to an idol. For example, if God took away your food, how would you react? God weighs the motives of the heart...
July 6, 2020

What is True Love?

Why did Jesus say, “You are not far from the kingdom of God”? It is because just having the knowledge of what God is looking for is not enough. The journey and the spiritual war start in the mind, as we discussed before. But you could have the knowledge of God and not have a heart for Him at all...