Book Blog

June 12, 2020

Will Regular Grocery Store Foods Harm You?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as well as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulate and monitor pesticide use and residues in conventional foods. The real question is: Will grocery store food harm you as some have claimed?
June 11, 2020

Weigh Down and Diabetes

Thin Eaters are healthy because the food they eat is needed for fuel and then they do not refuel until the stomach growls, which keeps just the right amount of sugar in the blood—not too much and not too little...
June 10, 2020

God’s Genius Design for Nutrition

The food you eat is simply chemicals—primarily molecules of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins—which are made up of carbons, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. After you swallow the food, it is shredded and broken apart by the acid in the stomach...
June 9, 2020

Our Bodies are Wonderfully Made!

Our bodies are wonderfully made, and the body instantly knows when something is wrong, from something as small as a paper cut to a broken bone, and it instantly goes to work to heal itself...
June 8, 2020

Worrying about Missing a Nutrient

Just as God programmed animals to like different foods, God has programmed the human, and He miraculously coordinated hunger and taste buds and fullness and thirst. The detail that He has gone to should assure you...
June 7, 2020

How to Eat Healthily

God never intended for eating to be such a confusing burden nor a scare. Since the sale of foods is a big industry in this country, false promotional information is rampant because it is hard to monitor. There are a lot of words that are misunderstood—for example, “organic” or “chemical.” Everything you eat is a chemical, primarily carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Organic simply means it contains “carbon,” and almost all foods are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen...