Book Blog

October 6, 2020

The God-Fearing Family

You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself. Now if you obey […]
October 5, 2020

True Love Heals

Why is True Love more influential than any energy source, more commanding than any energy tool? Because its destination is the heart of man...
October 4, 2020

The Body of Christ

God is building a Kingdom of Love. To do this, He is taking each glorious spirit or human that He creates and separating out the evil. […]
October 2, 2020

A Star of Love

The best visual is that God is a huge Star of Love. His love can travel on love waves into the heart of man and is dispersed thru humans. It is far faster than the thrust of a jet, far warmer than the combustion of fuel, from a more sure and distant Source than solar energy...
October 1, 2020

The Impact of Love

Love affects mankind in a positive way more than any other force on the planet, and yet it remains a mystery as to how to generate it and disseminate it. It is not like electricity that can be engineered, stored and then sent thru wires to an outlet to light up a room...