Book Blog

February 2, 2020

The Healing Power of Overcoming Evil with Good

Our worries should be centered around what affects the heart of ourselves, our families, our children—for what comes out of the heart says exactly who you are. From the abundance of the heart so the mouth speaks, and that is what condemns you—a lack of respect for parents, anti-authority, a lack of love. Never forget… love is the condensation of all Heavenly laws. It is the Kingdom of Love…
February 1, 2020

How to Change if You are Struggling

For those who have struggled, have you excused yourself because you have changed in so many other areas? Perhaps there is still one thing you have not given up, and it is usually the first thing God asked you to give up? There are no excuses. God can see straight thru your faulty negotiations with Him. You may overly deny yourself in an area you do not care about (money, for example) so that you can hang onto your idol (food). This “work” is invalid and will not save you on that Great Day, for your idol will be beside you. An idol must be eradicated—as no greedy man, for such a man is an idolater, will enter the Kingdom of God. Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect...
January 31, 2020

Experimenting with Give and Take

When I first got a glimpse of Christ’s example of self-denial, I started with small experiments of this give and take relationship with God…eating less, talking less, standing in the back of the line, considering others as better, denying myself an indulgence and spending it on the poor. In this interactive relationship of denial, I started making pecan pies and giving them away instead of eating them. This was an enormous calorie reversal to say the least, but more importantly, I experienced for the first time in my life wanting less and the reward for God-led giving...
January 30, 2020

Do Not Wear Yourself Out

Proverbs says…  When you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive. Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint. Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle. Proverbs 23:1-5 Food, money, things—they are all alike. In denying yourself until you are inside the boundaries of hunger and fullness for food and drink, inside the boundaries for money, you will want less...
January 29, 2020

Give and Take

We read yesterday about the love God that is calling for from all of us.…Love is simply give and take. A relationship with God is reciprocal…or just give and take. “Sacrifice” is just another word for “give.” “Denial” is just another word for “give.” You deny (give) and God gives back (take). What do you take? You are taking God’s Holy Spirit, which gives you self-control, and self-control allows you to want less food. When you deny yourself (give), you will want less (take). To “want” less is simply super and supernatural—a true gift, especially in a world of greed. How ecstatic you are when you tap into this gift of the Holy Spirit, and so you actually want less food...
January 28, 2020

Greater Love Has No One…

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 Who would have thought that this Omnipresent, Omni-powerful God is Love and all He ever wanted…is Love?! Who would have thought that our interactions with mankind could be condensed to Love?