Book Blog

January 9, 2020

The Path to Optimum Health

As we learned yesterday, we have been trying to feed our hurting, longing hearts with physical food and substances, but you can reverse this...
January 7, 2020

Why is Hunger and Fullness Important?

Going back to eating the way the Creator wants is huge because it is deeper than just is going back and getting in touch with the guiding hand of God...
January 6, 2020

Why Diets Do Not Work

Diets are everywhere we look, and on every diet, the dieter is asked to think about food content, consider the fat gram count, examine food pictures, discuss food and recipes in support groups, depend upon the scales (a focus on body and self), and prepare special meals. This focus on food makes it irresistible, for you fall in love with what you focus on...
January 5, 2020

Overcoming Daily Challenges

We’ve talked about some tips for getting through the sudden temptations, but are you experiencing daily challenges that sometimes seem almost insurmountable? You can make it! Just remember that God is personally attentive to your individual specific needs, so always pray! ...
January 4, 2020

Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat

Here are some more tips to help break your focus on the food – especially during this busy time of year. Do not eat in your car. Do not eat in your room. Do not keep a food drawer at work loaded with unnecessary snacks. Do not eat in front of the TV. You do not need to eat your way through the day! ...