Book Blog

December 22, 2019

Praise His Holy Name

The Psalms are filled with beautiful praises to the Lord Almighty! Join with me and all of those who seek God wholeheartedly and live only to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who lived out “Not my will but Yours be done!” (Luke 22:42) Rejoice in the Lord and Praise Him today!...
December 21, 2019

The Greatest Pursuit

There is faith in God and there is hope for God, but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the greatest pursuit of all things, the superior way, the most excellent way—not for praise of man, not heart-less, philanthropic deeds done nor “deeds” inspired by satan—but the most excellent way is True Love with good words and deeds inspired by God with the right motives, which is love for God and His Kingdom of Love. True Love will never fail. Why...
December 20, 2019

The Compassion of Christ

Jesus was popular and surrounded by crowds of people everywhere, and instead of recoiling or distancing himself, he behaved quite the opposite. If Jesus lived today, you would not see him traveling in protective vehicles with a security squad. Knowing that he was led by God and represented the will and behavior of The Father…note that Jesus embraced the crowd and its needs...
December 19, 2019

It is In the Heart

Look at what Mark 12 reveals: Jesus commands us to love, so we must have the capacity to love. Indeed, we have all had an entire heart of love this entire time. You do not have to go thru some journey to find it—it has been right there in your heart all along...
December 18, 2019

Turn Around

The test will be that you will want to have your excuse…but you must understand that EVERYONE has their test. Everyone has his or her problem. Stop the lie that your problem is bigger. God sets it up so it is a test for you to let Him rule and to let Him have control. Who is the God of the little things? This will let you know who will be your God of the big things...
December 17, 2019

What are Your Goals

You have come for this hour to glorify God’s name, to glorify Christ’s name. If you are eating when you’re not hungry or eating beyond full, then you are glorifying your own name. That is futile, unproductive, useless, vain and empty; and glorifying yourself is repulsive—but worse, it is futile for you to have glorified something [yourself] that will be dead in a few years, and a being that has no power outside of being connected to God...