Book Blog

November 2, 2019

Letting Go of Man-Made Rules

You will never lose the love of food unless you stop dieting and let go of control. Diets will never make you self-controlled—they make you get OUT of control. Man-made rules [or diets] will never sanctify you or give you the self-control you desire...
October 30, 2019

Let Go of Control

If you struggle with weight loss, it could be a sign that you need to let go of control with your eating, because you will become “out-of-control!” We all need to look inward  to find out what the body is calling for, because in the end, eating the same thing over and over with large volumes of low-calorie foods will extradite a binge...
October 28, 2019

Free to Love God

You were born to worship and you do worship. What is on your mind all the time is your idol; it is what you adore. But you need to adore Jesus Christ. So we’ve established that you will give your heart, soul, mind, and strength to something—and that is worship. In fact, you could even call it addiction. But, again, you were born to do this, so, actually, being addicted is normal. And I am not asking you not to be addicted. I am asking you to be addicted to something that can love you back, and there is only One who can do that—our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, His Son...