Weight loss success

January 4, 2020

Eat to Live, Not Live to Eat

Here are some more tips to help break your focus on the food – especially during this busy time of year. Do not eat in your car. Do not eat in your room. Do not keep a food drawer at work loaded with unnecessary snacks. Do not eat in front of the TV. You do not need to eat your way through the day! ...
December 29, 2019

A Matter of Decision

If you are still struggling, it is not for lack of information – you have all the information you need at your fingertips! It is because you continue to resist dying to your own will. The more you resist, the harder the battle will be, and the fact is, you will never change God’s truths...
December 18, 2019

Turn Around

The test will be that you will want to have your excuse…but you must understand that EVERYONE has their test. Everyone has his or her problem. Stop the lie that your problem is bigger. God sets it up so it is a test for you to let Him rule and to let Him have control. Who is the God of the little things? This will let you know who will be your God of the big things...
December 17, 2019

What are Your Goals

You have come for this hour to glorify God’s name, to glorify Christ’s name. If you are eating when you’re not hungry or eating beyond full, then you are glorifying your own name. That is futile, unproductive, useless, vain and empty; and glorifying yourself is repulsive—but worse, it is futile for you to have glorified something [yourself] that will be dead in a few years, and a being that has no power outside of being connected to God...
December 16, 2019

Important Questions to Ask Yourself Daily

So, why would someone struggle with their weight for years—even if they had been in Weigh Down Workshop and know of its concept of hunger and fullness for two to ten years? Why can you not just lose the weight...
December 15, 2019

Who are You Glorifying with Your Choices?

At some point, you are going to have to come to your hour of making a choice, making that commitment. And your hour boils down to a decision of who is going to be glorified...