Revolutionary weight loss

November 14, 2019

Keeping it Simple

Focusing on the growl is so important. There are no other choices, and you do not have any other things that you have to listen to. You do not have to find some special trick or gimmick…it is just the growl...
November 13, 2019

Going Back to the Growl…

If you have done Weigh Down before, do you remember how it was when you first start­ed? What did it feel like? You literally abandoned what you were doing before; you abandoned dieting, and you got in there and started finding the growl. You were so excited wait­ing on that growl. You were so focused on finding the growl and finding the full, that suddenly you looked up and you had lost weight, and it was the most exciting thing you had ever done in your life—eating regular foods and eating what you really liked! Why was that so much fun? Be­cause you were free...
November 12, 2019

The Scales are Just a Tool

Many of you have struggled with the scales—with a fear of weigh­ing, a fear of the “number” and a panic to get a certain size or weight. You can now let go of that forever! The scales are just a tool; they are not your judge and not to be your god. Getting in tune to hunger and full­ness and a reliance on God is what you are looking for! The scales will just help you see if you are off track and help you fine tune your eating...
November 11, 2019

You are so Loved!

Change is so exciting! God is doing something amazing! It is so important to remember that YOU are loved so much, and love is going to be the key that unlocks the door to permanent weight loss and permanent freedom from anything in the world that has called your name...
September 24, 2019

How Does it Look to Follow God’s Lead with Food?

Every day, you get up and focus on God with prayer and praise and listening inside—when the stomach is growling, you approach the food with prayer and thankfulness. You become satisfied and do not think about food until you feel empty again. No more bypassing hunger—let go of control, and you will be rewarded with energy...
September 23, 2019

No More Dieting!

Praise God that you will follow His will and eat regular foods for the rest of your life. When you deny God and what He has programmed inside of you, you will become ravenous again and lustful for food. On the other hand, you will wind up eating less when you are not dieting and no longer craving foods you have denied yourself that were programmed inside you by God...