Weight Loss Plateau

November 5, 2019

It’s a Daily Decision

Think about your testing and waiting—it is short lived and you do not remember it, but you keep the product of the suffering forever. Some will wait for a day or a week for hunger, but what they have not embraced is the DAILY cross...
November 4, 2019

Walking with God

It is all about walking with God. When you look for men who have been lifted up by God—Abraham, Moses, David, the Apostle Paul, and especially the Son of God, Jesus Christ—all have a common denominator: they walked with God. God’s Spirit led them...
November 3, 2019

One Thing to Focus On

This is all about a relationship with God. A controlling person has a relationship with themselves. They know every detail about themselves, and their mind is constantly returning to thinking about what they need. Their mouths and conversations will invariably return to talking about themselves and their wants, their needs, their desires. With each passing year, the dieter is more in love with the food and less in love with God...
November 2, 2019

Letting Go of Man-Made Rules

You will never lose the love of food unless you stop dieting and let go of control. Diets will never make you self-controlled—they make you get OUT of control. Man-made rules [or diets] will never sanctify you or give you the self-control you desire...