Christian inspiration

July 13, 2020

Excessive Food is a False Friend

Does overeating help our finances? No, it robs us. It is expensive to keep eating extra calories every day. Diet programs have emptied our savings accounts as well. Does it help us with our clothing? No, we tend to find less and less to wear...
July 12, 2020

How to Tell What You Really Worship

I used to sit in church as a child on Sunday evenings and watch people listlessly drag themselves through the motions of their worship. These are the same people who will apply blue and white paint on their faces to root for their favorite college teams. If you have passion for God, it grows with the years...
July 7, 2020

How to Tell if Something is an Idol

There is only one way to find out if something is an idol in your life: let it be taken away. Then, if you really mourn for it, you know that your heart has been given over to an idol. For example, if God took away your food, how would you react? God weighs the motives of the heart...
July 5, 2020

You Were Made to be Devoted

God describes Himself as passionate and jealous for us. It is right to return what has been given. No matter how unemotional some people have grown, at one time they had a heart of flesh...
July 3, 2020

Love Overflows

The more you love God, the easier it is to love others with the overflow of the heart. I can return love—even to others who have hurt me—because I know He loves me. Others might hurt me, but God’s opinion is so much higher on my list that it does not matter so much anymore what others may do...
July 2, 2020

The Encouragement You Need

What a genius and yet powerful King we have an opportunity to serve! He opens my eyes daily to new information from His Word or from life that confirms that He is the source of everything...