Single-Focused Love
December 15, 2017Storing Up Treasures
January 12, 2018If we do not love God first, we depend on idols to get us thru the day…we depend on idols to help us escape as far away as we can go…to end our boredom, loneliness and the pain of a hate-filled world in which the majority of leaders have no answers. Depression and suicide rates are only becoming higher and higher due to false religion. We have more things, more money, more leisure time, yet we feel more depraved, more impoverished and more exhausted than ever. None of these things fill you up, but there are answers. Man needs a Connection…a real Connection…a genuine Connection with God thru having the same mindset as Christ.
This Connection will give you True Love and true empathy for your brother as your stony heart begins to melt. With growing love, you will experience a growing sense of justice and equality for others, a growing want for equal blessings for all, a growing sense of the need for evangelism to the lost. There is enough in that bank for everyone and enough room in the mansion for all. The more the merrier! It is satisfying to help distribute the gifts and blessings so that you do not have too much and your brother does not have too little. You can do this now because your own starvation for God is satisfied—that manna from Heaven. You secure yourself first with this real relationship with God. You obey hour by hour to safeguard His body, in everything, using the guidelines that He programmed. You follow His lead of where to work, consistently loving people every day, and then you return home to love the family. You can have that childlike heart again, childlike love for others, and there is no greater feeling.
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