Special Occasions
December 20, 2013The Solution for Overweight
January 17, 2014This worship of food has robbed us of emotional stability, comfortable clothing, and many relationships. The solution that was introduced in The Weigh Down Diet is to trust God with the way He made our bodies. He has created the instincts of all animals, all infants, all children, all men, and all women with the ability to sense when they have eaten too much. Man-made rules have unplugged and confused this instinct to sense fullness and appropriate volume, and they have caused us to be greedier and to expect more self-indulgence than ever before. Dieting, which is the use of man-made rules, works only on making the food behave—not the heart of man. This is big! All animals, infants, and children that have been untouched by the man-made rules still have the strong innate capacity to recognize and respond to correct volumes of food. Dieting—including fat gram counting, pills, bulimia, suction-assisted lipectomies, and excessive exercise—has created and exacerbated an excused greed that has grown to monumental heights in this country. Greed is at its zenith. Our plates of low-calorie, fat-free foods are larger, our demand for more has increased, the seats are larger, and the clothes are stretchier. The present volume that can be eaten in polite company would have been completely embarrassing at one point in our history. Do you know what else? The word binge is understood by even young children. It’s a word that rolls off our tongues on a daily basis with no guilt.