How to Have Better Relationships

October 21, 2019

How to be the Salt in a Game

What is inside of a person that makes them angry and allows them to throw the ball down or get into an argument? Most of the time, it is embarrassment...
October 20, 2019

Being Christlike in Sports and Games

We have been talking about how to imitate Jesus in sports. We can stop being overly competitive when we understand that no one is impressed with whether or not someone did well in the game. They will not remember how you played, but they are going to remember if you were angry...
October 19, 2019

Godly Competition

We are learning to be more like Christ in all areas, but to be like Christ when it comes to a game can be challenging. Sports can be a lot of fun, but they can also conjure up characteristics that are totally unlike Christ and unlike God. We need God to learn how to play games and participate in sports in the way that Jesus Christ would have done...