Being Christlike in Sports and Games
October 20, 2019How to Make Games Fun for Everyone
October 22, 2019What is inside of a person that makes them angry and allows them to throw the ball down or get into an argument? Most of the time, it is embarrassment. Maybe they tripped while jumping rope, and they want to blame someone else for the way they were swinging the rope. They want to point the finger at someone to try to get the attention off themselves. Or they may have a high expectation of themselves in basketball, and when they miss the shot, they get upset and embarrassed because they did not live up to their own expectation, and they wanted others to see how good they are.
We can end that today. We are going to end this behavior because we are going to tell ourselves the Truth: that a game is there for enjoyment; it is there for fun. Games are there so we can learn to laugh at ourselves, and we are there to make every situation better. We are to be the salt of the Earth, and when you are the salt, you make the game better. First of all, you should not even expect to be able to play in the game at all, but if you do get to play, your goal is to be the salt in that game and make that game better and more fun for everyone!
For more, read History of the One True God, Volume III – God-Fearing Families.