Weigh Down

September 22, 2019

Flying Above the Scales

God is doing something new for those who are coming to Him once again… His Spirit is pouring down and providing a breakthrough. Let us start with laying down the scales—get a beginning number, but just use the scales occasionally because the trend that we are measuring is the dependency on God. It is not about a number…it is about getting that internal control and Connection to God so that you are guided and are flying above the scales...
September 18, 2019

No Worries about Weight or Food Ever Again

All that has happened to you on your journey is not for naught. God has been right there with you this entire time. You are not a failure. God is with you, and we are ready now for the next phase...
September 17, 2019

You CAN Do It!

Why is this time going to be different? Because God has prepared your heart. These last attempts are not for naught. God has used the successes and failures to program much information into your mind and soul that will give you victory this time. Thru repetition of God’s WeighDown, you will finally win with Christ...
September 5, 2019

The Golden Rule

To employ the Golden Rule is the most important lesson in your life. You cannot toss it aside as just one more little fact. If you […]
September 3, 2019

An Epic Spiritual Journey

Now…if you have tried WeighDown in the past, take a moment to walk down memory lane. Do you remember the years of overweight and dieting? Do you remember when you first found WeighDown? You had been thru so much pain, dieted for years and years and had struggled for so long, and once you cried out to God, He sent WeighDown, a revolutionary approach to losing weight. Freedom at last! You felt so loved by God...
June 20, 2019

Pray about Everything!

Pray about everything! You cannot have a relationship with God without talking to Him. How many times have you prayed since you started this program? You need to be praying all the time—without ceasing...